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Video Tip of the Week

Video Tip of the Week

"In recent conversations I have had with website members I have realized that there are many functions and features inside our Casablanca video editors that many colleagues  may have forgotten about, may have forgotten how they work, or maybe never even learned about them" said Casablanca Expert Chet Davis. 

"So I came up with the idea to share a short video tip each week, focusing on one of the really cool features inside our Casablanca to help my website members get the most from their Casablanca video editor".  Chet plans on producing and sharing a new Video Tip of the Week each weekend.  Website members will receive an email announcing the new tip each weekend, and you can also visit this page to click on the link below which will feature the Tips.

Casablanca Chat With Chet #35
DVDs with Audio in Your Menus


 In this installment of Casablanca Chat with Chet - I address a question from a website member.  She was having difficulty getting audio added to a DVD Main Menu. I share the important steps for both motion and still menus, and my thoughts on DVD Menu options. Members can view this brand new video here: 

Casablanca Chat With Chet #35
Selecting the Best Looking Fonts for Titles



In this edition of Casablanca Chat with Chet - we examine the topic of font clarity.   Did you know not all fonts are created equally?     Some fonts are more clear and have what Chet considers a more professional look to them.  We'll discuss how to identify the cleanest fonts, find them and use them in your title screens of your video projects.

 Members can view this brand new video lesson here:  Casablanca Chat With Chet #36: Best Fonts for...



Video Tip of the Week: Casablanca Titler Line Options

In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet teaches you how to use the four (4) options in the Line Options menu of the Casablanca Titler.  You'll learn how you can modify a line or a series of line of text with options that other systems call Kerning. This lesson is fully compatible with both SmartEdit as well Bogart OS Casablanca units. Click here to view this 5-minute video lesson.

Video Tip of the Week: Using the Templates in DVD Arabesk Menus

In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet teaches the value and shows how you can use the Arabesk templates to quickly create cool looking DVD Main & Chapter Menus in very little time. Chet also shows how to save your own DVD Menus for easy future use. This lesson is fully compatible with both SmartEdit as well Bogart OS Casablanca units. You can view the 7-minute lesson here: DVD Arabesk Menu Templates

Video Tip of the Week: Using the Templates in DVD Arabesk Menus

In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet teaches the value and shows how you can use the Arabesk templates to quickly create cool looking DVD Main & Chapter Menus in very little time. Chet also shows how to save your own DVD Menus for easy future use. This lesson is fully compatible with both SmartEdit as well Bogart OS Casablanca units. You can view the 7-minute lesson here: DVD Arabesk Menu Templates


 Video Tip of the Week: Setup Crossfade Between Two Songs

In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet teaches you how to crossfade between two songs in the Casablanca Audio Mix Menu.  You'll learn how to identify the exact postion your 2nd song should be for the ideal crossafe - Chet also shows a little trick to ensure you are not counting on a music track that has 'dead space'. This lesson is fully compatible with both SmartEdit as well Bogart OS Casablanca units. You can view the 10-minute lesson here:  Crossfade Between Two Songs


Video Tip of the Week: Audio Backtiming

In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet shows you how to use two different methods to backtime music or other audio element so that it ends perfectly with your video.  You'll learn to use both the Range>Position>End function as well as the 'Chet Retaining Wall' method with the Silent Sample.

NOTE: This lesson is compatible with both SmartEdit and Bogart OS Casablanca editors.  To view this 7-minute, 43-second video lesson click here: Video Tip of the Week: Backtiming Audio 

Video Tip of the Week: Importing Incompatible Video Files

In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet shows you the computer free-ware he uses to convert a video file that won’t import into your Casablanca Bogart editor so that it will! The free software demonstrated is available for both Windows and Mac/Apple computers.  NOTE: This lesson is compatible only with Bogart OS Casablanca editors.  To view this 8-minute, 41-second video lesson click here:  Video Tip of the Week: Importing Incompatible Video Files

Using Style Functions in the Casablanca Titler

In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet demonstrates the Style options in the standard Casablanca title menu to produce a clean, creative title.  NOTE: This lesson is compatible with SmartEdit 8 and higher, and all Bogart OS Casablanca editors. Click here to view this 6-minute video lesson


Using Keyboard Shortcuts to Copy, Cut, and Paste in Scene Bin & Storyboard

In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet shows you how to use Keyboard Shortcuts to cut, copy and paste scenes in both the Scene Bin and Storyboard. This can be useful when working with lots of clips that need to be moved around and adjusted in your project.    NOTE: This lesson is compatible with all versions of SmartEdit and Bogart OS Casablanca editors with the Power Key software enabled.  Click here to view this 6-minute video lesson
Using Mark & Action Commands to Move Scenes in Scene Bin & Storyboard
In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet shows you how to use Mark function and the Action Menu options to move scenes in your Scene Bin and Storyboard  .  NOTE: This lesson is compatible with SmartEdit 8 and higher, and all Bogart OS Casablanca editors.  To view this 4-minute, 37-second video lesson click here


Using Envelope Range to Adjust Envelope Anchor Points
In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet shows you how to adjust Anchor Poins in the Audio Envelope to customize the volume of any given Audio Sample.  This Envelope Range button allows precise positioning. Click here to view and learn.


Copying a Change in Font Choice, Size, and/or Color to A Whole Title
In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet shows how to use Box Options functions to copy the Font, Font Size, or any Style Element onto a whole page or list of text in a title screen.  This is particularly helpful when changing a whole list of text (like credits).  You can view and learn with this 6-minute video by clicking here.

Placing a Square/Rectangular Logo or Graphic Over Live Video Using Casablanca BlueBox World
In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet shows how to use the BlueBox World Move Rectangle function to capture/grab a rectangular logo or graphic from one scene and overlay onto another scene.  In this short video Chet uses a rectangular logo graphic and places it over a 10-second montage.  Click here to view this 5 minute video lesson.


Custom Positioned Titles
In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet provides a short lesson to show you how to perfectly adjust a title on-screen.There are a few buttons in the Title Menu Box Options that allow you to easily move a title around screen to get it into just the right position.  In this video Chet will help you learn this simple but easy process. Click here to view this 4-minute video lesson.


 Reviewing the Casablanca Clipboard
You are likely already familiar with the Clipboard as a means to move scenes between projects (folders) on your Casablanca editor. Chet takes it a little 'deeper' and shows the options and additional buttons in your Clipboard menu.  This lesson is compatible with both later versions of the SmartEdit OS and all Bogart OS editors. Click here to view this 5-minute video lesson


In this Video Tip of the Week Chet shows how to successfully use the 'Correction' audio function to lower audio on an adjacent audio track during a voice-over or narration audio sample - fully compatible with both SmartEdit & Bogart OS Editors.  To view this 8-minute lesson click here

Three Suggestions for Using the Scene>Sample Button
In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet shows some suggestions for using the 'Scene>Sample' function.  This function is very useful for copying the audio from a video scene/s and using that create photo/video montages, to create an Audio CD of featured performances, and to embellish your video project with nat. sound - Chet shows all 3 in this tip.
Click here to view this 6 minute video lesson.


Importing Photos Using Casablanca Photo Transfer
In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet shows how to import photos using the Photo Transfer software.
The Photo Transfer software is an add-on software package that shows up in the Special list in your Edit Menu and allows importing of JPEG files into your video projects.  In this short video Chet points our the different options in the Photo Transfer import menu.  
Click here to view this 5 minute video lesson.


What It is, Why You Should and How You Can De-Interlace Your Casablanca Videos
If you shoot a video (or if you client provides you with video footage that is captured in Interlaced scanning) and you need or want to view the video on a computer screen, or distribute the project on a video hosting website like YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook (or your own website) you should upload a video that has been de-interlaced.  Chet shows you how to do this on your Casablanca video editor. This function is available on later versions of the SmartEdit OS and all Bogart OS editors. Click here to view the 8+ Minute Video Lesson


Using the 1s Button in the Title Effects Menu
Chet shows the value of the '1s' button in the Title Effect Duration Menu.  This is a great option when you want to use a title sequence only at the very beginning of a long scene. This option is available on later versions of the SmartEdit OS and all Bogart OS editors. Click here to view this 6-minute video lesson


Importing & Using True Type Fonts for your Casablanca Titler
In this Video Lesson Chet shows how to find, import and use True Type Fonts (.ttf) to embellish your Casablanca titles.  Click here to view this 7-minute video lesson.


Using 2 & 4-Button Trim Menu
In this lesson Chet shows how to use each of the buttons in the Trim Menu as well as the differences between the standard single-screen Trim default menu and the 4-screen Trim viewClick here to view this 7-minute video lesson.


Using 2-Screen Split
Chet shows how to fully use the 'Split' function found under the Edit Menu of your Casablanca video editor.  This can be a very important function is you are manually splitting video footage that was imported via analog video cables, or if you are unable to use the auto-split function.  Click here to view this 10-minute video lesson.


Using Compare in Full Size Preview
In this Video Tip of the Week, Chet shows how to use the 'Compare' function found under the Full Size Preview function in the Special Button (Edit Menu) of your Casablanca video editor. This is useful if making changes to a video scene/s, particularly color or image changes/balancing.  These 3 separate options allow you to compare your changes against another scene in your project for more precise results. Click here to view this 6:45 video lesson.


Adding A Vertically Scrolling Image to a Video Project
Chet shows how you can use a Title Graphic Box to add this effect to your project in your Casablanca video editor.This can be used to showcase an invitation to a wedding or other event, or the program from a play, recital, or musical event.  Click here to view this 10:12 video.

Exporting Video for Use on Other Computers
In this lesson
Chet shows you how to export a video from the Scene Bin via Archives and into the Media Manager where he uses one of the available options to export a video file that can be successfully loaded into a computer based video editing software application. NOTE: This requires a Bogart OS Casablanca and it is recommended that you work with that latest Bogart OS Version.  Click here to view this 9:43 video.


Show/Hide Scenes Already Added
Chet shows the two methods to find which scenes in your Scene Bin have been added to your Storyboard. This can be used for any project on your Casablanca, but is particularly helpful on photo montage projects.  NOTE: This tip is fully compatible with both Smart Edit and Bogart OS editors. Click here to view this 5:19 video.


Titling Symbols
Chet shows how to access and add common symbols right in your Casablanca Title Menu.  This function adds symbols like the copyright, Trademark symbols as well as mathematical symbols and accent marks from other languages.  NOTE: This tip is fully compatible with both Smart Edit and Bogart OS editors. Click here to view this 5:34 video.


Audio Sample
Chet shows how to copy audio from any scene in your Scene Bin over to the Audio Menus. He also provides an example of how you can put this cool feature to use in your video projects. This tip is compatible with both Smart Edit and Bogart OS editors. Click here to view this 4:39 video.