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Loading Direct to Internet from Arabesk DVD

The following post is from the March 2011 Newsletter, published by Macrosystem US Reseller Gary McNally of McNally's Plug and Play .  This is a cool method, also shared by Bobbie Evoy of Memories on Tape recently on the Cassie Tips List. 

For older projects/programs off DVD I would also point out that your footage may benefit from de-interlacing -- this can be achieved by using a program like Handbrake (which I discuss in this article on my website: Handbrake )

"I’ve been doing a lot of video uploading to sites like Vimeo, You Tube, and Face Book. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that all my old MacroSystem Arabesk Discs uploaded direct from disc to these services. I just inserted the Arabesk disc in my Laptop or Desktop PC. When the video website asks for the file to upload just select the DVD, then select the VIDEO_TS folder. Then in Windows XP select the pull down menu and details to see all the file info. The file type you are looking for is VOB; you will notice they are the big files up to 1,048MB. In Arabesk authored discs the name of the files will always start with VTS_ and then a number. This number corresponds to the chapter number in Arabesk. Vimeo was particularly fast on the upload. The quality is outstanding MPEG 2!

For future long SD projects that need to be uploaded using Smart Edit I would probably create a DVD in Arabesk and use the method above. For small projects you could use the DV Back-up in Project setting to a firewire hard drive or DVD on SE 6.2 or higher. This method creates an AVI file type. It also has maximum file size of 1048MB before it automatically creates another file on the fly (like the above method), but MPEG 2 is more compressed than AVI, so you can fit many more minutes even at the maximum Arabesk 4 setting. If you need even more minutes to fit in a 1048MB file, reduce the compression quality in Arabesk 4. Theoretically you should get more than twice the minutes going from the high to reduced quality setting.

The direct from DVD to the internet VOB file upload method will also work with those stand alone DVD recorder made discs as long as you just keep one program on each disc, and don’t exceed the 1048mb new file creation point. I had some compilation discs of numerous small programs, and those recorders switch to a new file every time they reach 1.048 GB of data. Invariably this is always in the middle if a program."

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis