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Unsticking (opening) a 'Stuck' DVD tray/drawer on Bogart editor.

Last week, during my NorCal 2010 Hands-on Workshop,  my DVD tray refused to open (on my S4000 PRO). I tried a number of things with no luck -- so I called a buddy who suggested holding down the 'Esc' key on my keyboard upon re-booting (turn the editor off first and then re-start). It worked like a gem... that un-stuck and worked fine since. 
D tray
Thanks to Seth Hampton at CAM Audio for his suggestion that pulled me out of the 'mud'!  Thought I would pass it along for others who may find themselves in that predicament.

I should note this process apparently only works on the S4000/S4000-PRO models.  The newer S4100 and S2000 require a different process engineered by Macrosystem AG. You will find both the process and the required download link in this article: Help, my DVD drawer won't open (S2000 & S4100)


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